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Cold Night on the Little Farm

Last night was a cold night here in the Dallas area.  For us Texans, we are always in shock by such weather.  The animals are so designed to adapt that I am always amazed at God during this time of year.  They grow thick coats of fur and instinctively find a warm place to sleep.  We added extra straw and several housing areas for the goats, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, cats, and Joy.  Everyone was slow moving this morning, (except for Joy) but are out in the sunshine this afternoon.  We covered the square foot garden that was planted last week during our Soil to Table Class, so all the veggies are looking alive and happy.  Here are some pictures from today.  You will notice that the baby goats are like fluff balls!  They fluff out their thick coats and underneath is super warm.

Basil and her babies all fluffed up in the cool weather.

Basil and her babies all fluffed up in the cool weather.

Clover and her babies.

Clover and her babies.

Joy loves the cold and still chooses to lay in the shade even when it is 34 degrees today.

Joy loves the cold and still chooses to lay in the shade even when it is 34 degrees today.

Little Billy Goats is all fluffed up like a cotton ball!

Little Billy Goat is all fluffed up like a cotton ball!

Our vegetable garden made it through the freeze last night.

Our vegetable garden made it through the freeze last night.

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