Edmondson Oaks is excited to offer 4 Homeschool Classes this November.

Each class will be two hours long and only meet once.

The cost is $25 per student, per two hour class.


Following are the2014-09-27 17.03.17 dates, times, and subject matter of the classes.

November 7th 10am – 12 noon: Farming from the Soil to Table

Age: 9 to teen (parent is welcome to stay)

Summary: This class will cover how to create great organic soil, choosing and planting seeds/plantlings, organic fertilization and pesticide, and harvesting nutritious organic produce.

November 7th 2pm – 4pm:  DIY – Homemade Household Cleaners and Beauty Products

Supply Fee: This class will have a supply fee of $10 to help cover the cost of supplies

Age: 9 to teen (parent is welcome to stay)

Summary: This class will cover what common household cleaners and beauty products can easily and inexpensively be made at home. We will make homemade laundry soap, body scrub, and dishwasher detergent for you to take home. http://www.diynatural.com/homemade-cleaners-use-this-not-that/

November 14th 10am – 12 noon: Farm Life: Animals and Their Care

Age: 6-12 (parent is welcome to stay)

Summary: We will learn about the care of and anatomy of goats, chickens, and farm dogs.  This class will have lots of hands of contact with our farm animals and our barn.

November 14th 2pm – 4pm: Survival Skills: Emergency Preparedness

Age: 6-12 (parent is welcome to stay)

Summary:This class will cover the basics of what defines an emergency, how to make an emergency plan, and what goes into an emergency preparedness kit. This will be a fun class, without anything fearful, that gives great ideas for being ready in any situation.

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